Binzhou 芹菜拌麵:清爽的口感遇上濃郁的醬香!

  Binzhou 芹菜拌麵:清爽的口感遇上濃郁的醬香!

Binzhou, nestled along the Shandong coast, is renowned for its delectable culinary offerings. One dish that truly captures the essence of this coastal city is the Binzhou 芹菜拌麵 (Binzhou Celery Noodles). This seemingly simple dish is a testament to the art of balancing flavors and textures, making it a favorite among locals and visitors alike.

The star ingredient, fresh celery, brings a refreshing crunch and earthy flavor that complements the other elements perfectly. Locally sourced, these stalks are known for their exceptional juiciness and sweetness. The thin noodles, often hand-pulled for added texture, soak up the sauce beautifully, creating a harmonious blend of flavors in every bite.

Binzhou 芹菜拌麵 is more than just a meal; it’s an experience. Every element plays a crucial role in achieving that perfect balance:

  • The Celery: Binzhou prides itself on its high-quality celery, grown in the fertile lands surrounding the city. The ideal celery for this dish is crisp, bright green, and with a subtle sweetness.

  • The Noodles: Traditionally made from wheat flour, Binzhou noodles are known for their springy texture and ability to absorb sauce without becoming soggy. Hand-pulled noodles are particularly prized for their rustic charm and unique chewiness.

  • The Sauce: This is where the magic happens! A blend of soy sauce, sesame oil, vinegar, chili oil, garlic, and ginger creates a symphony of savory, tangy, spicy, and aromatic notes. The exact proportions vary depending on personal preference, but the goal is always to achieve a balanced flavor profile that enhances the freshness of the celery and the noodles.

  • The Garnish: A sprinkle of chopped cilantro or green onions adds a touch of freshness and visual appeal. Some recipes also incorporate sesame seeds for an extra layer of nutty flavor.


  1. 準備材料:

    • 200克新鮮芹菜
    • 150克乾麵條(建議使用手擀麵)
    • 2湯匙醬油
    • 1湯匙香醋
    • 1茶匙辣椒油 | 1茶匙芝麻油 | 2瓣蒜,切碎 | 1小塊薑,切碎
  2. 煮麵: 將麵條按照包裝上的指示煮熟,瀝乾水分並放涼備用。

  3. 準備芹菜: 将芹菜洗淨切段,並將葉子從莖上分離出來。

  4. 調製醬汁: 在一個碗中,將醬油、香醋、辣椒油、芝麻油、蒜末和薑末混合在一起。

  5. 拌麵: 將煮好的麵條放入大碗中,加入芹菜段和葉子,然後倒入調製好的醬汁。輕輕攪拌均勻。


Binzhou 芹菜拌麵 is a dish that transcends simple sustenance. It’s a testament to the city’s culinary heritage, where fresh ingredients are celebrated and flavors are carefully balanced. The dish embodies the Shandong spirit of frugality and resourcefulness, turning everyday vegetables into a gastronomic delight.

But what truly sets Binzhou 芹菜拌麵 apart is its versatility.

  • Customization: You can adjust the spiciness, saltiness, or sweetness to suit your taste buds.

  • Dietary Flexibility: It’s naturally vegetarian-friendly and can be easily adapted for gluten-free diets by using alternative noodles.

  • Quick and Easy: It’s a dish that can be prepared in minutes, making it perfect for a quick lunch or light dinner.

Binzhou 芹菜拌麵 is more than just food; it’s an experience – a journey into the heart of Shandong cuisine, where simplicity meets culinary brilliance. So next time you find yourself craving something refreshing yet satisfying, give this Binzhou delicacy a try and discover the magic for yourself!